Since we got our basement finished a while back, I have been so excited to have a craft room for all my doings. I feel pretty lucky to have a room all to myself, it feels pretty decadent! Well, it has NOT looked decadent, nor do I really do anything in there because it is so uninspiring. It is a disaster zone in there. So I made the decision a couple weeks ago, to start working in there and start getting it organized and decorated. It's a work in progress, but I am excited to get this part of home and life sorted out. Here are my before pictures:

Here are my attempts to start sorting. I will admit, I kind of am a pack rat, an organized pack rat, but a pack rat none-the-less. I keep lots of things. Here's the kind of things I got in that room: receipts and instruction books for every major purchase we have ever made (if we still own it), every single letter and card that Ed has ever given me in the past 20 years, my report cards starting from kindergarten, the boys report cards, school work, awards, art work, geneology and who knows what else I haven't uncovered yet. First order of business is sorting all the papers and junk.
Notice the hole in the wall, it's an access panel to some kind of pipe. I think I have been harassing Ed on a monthly basis to get that covered and fixed. May need to come up with a better way to ask him to do that.