Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Chris Isaak II

I love me some Chris Isaak. I got to see Chris again at Red Butte Gardens this year. Because I saw him last year, I knew he could be coming out to the audience and I knew if he did, what the possible route would be and I would be there waiting for him like the stalker that I am. Sure enough I was standing 2 feet from him. I was trying to take a picture but I was so "twitterpated" that I think I took a picture of my feet and random people. I just adore his voice, sense of humor and unrequited love ballads.

Unexpected So You Think You Can Dance Fan

I know I am way behind the times and probably the only person in American who had never seen SYTYCD. This issue was discussed with my SIL and niece this summer at Lake Powell and I was put to task to watch it this season. I watched and I loved it! Even Ed became a fan and got a bit bent out of shape if I watched without him. But we had an unexpected fan in our midst, we discovered Brennan became a fan of the show and big fan of Jose. Check out Brennan's dance "stylings".

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ryan's Room Redo - Before

I am tackling another home project while I am also working on my craft room. I am also working on a redo of Ryan's room. I wanted to surprise him with the room completed while he was on his 5 day Scout high adventure trip, but I couldn't pull it off. I really wanted to do a more traditional look with a chair rail and a burgundy color to match his current bedding to save some moolah, but as I was thinking about it, I realized it was more my want and not necessarily a reflection of what Ryan would like. So I put on my Ryan hat and started trying to think of what he would like. I came up with a more modern, contemporary look to reflect his artistic sensibilities. I presented my idea to him and he really liked it and is super excited about it. Last week we picked new bedding, paint color and some accessories. I am hoping that it looks great and that he will be happy with his space. I will post the after pictures once I get the room completed.

Here are some of the before pics:

The closet doors (above) take up almost an entire wall. If I had money, know-how and "manpower", I would make the closet half the size, by knocking down the left hand side wall, reframing the closet, which would create a niche for a desk....maybe in another life.

The room is very small, so there is not a whole lot of furniture. I will probably not be putting this super old (it really is not that old, but you know how technology advances) TV back in the room. You can't tell from the pics, but there are about 5 speakers that go with his CD Player/Tuner. When you walk into the room, all you see are wires behind the TV, soooooo not sexy. I am excited to get rid of the tangled web of wires. I would love to get him a small flat screen TV to mount on the wall. Again, maybe in another life.

I am going to be changing out the bedding and curtains to a more contemporary, minimalist look. Currently the comforter and shams are traditional from Nautica. The curtains, bedskirt and pillows are denim. I still really like them, but the "boy" has grown up and outgrown this look. I am going to be repurposing the shelf above the bed. I am planning on painting it and putting it in the craft room during my craftroom redo, click here. Still not sure what I will do about the nightstand. His current nightstand will not go with my idea, however, he needs a nightstand for his clock/radio, but that nightstand is a magnet for clutter. If I end of using it, I may repaint it. Decisions, decisions.....

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Your Problems

I just read this quote in one of the yoga blogs I read. Food for thought!

The problematic situations in your life are not chance or haphazard. They are specifically yours, designed specifically for you by a part of you that loves you more than anything else. The part of you that loves you more than anything else has created roadblocks to lead you to doesn't want you to lose the chance. It will go to extreme measures to wake you up. - A.H. Almaas

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Craft Room Project

Since we got our basement finished a while back, I have been so excited to have a craft room for all my doings. I feel pretty lucky to have a room all to myself, it feels pretty decadent! Well, it has NOT looked decadent, nor do I really do anything in there because it is so uninspiring. It is a disaster zone in there. So I made the decision a couple weeks ago, to start working in there and start getting it organized and decorated. It's a work in progress, but I am excited to get this part of home and life sorted out. Here are my before pictures:

Here are my attempts to start sorting. I will admit, I kind of am a pack rat, an organized pack rat, but a pack rat none-the-less. I keep lots of things. Here's the kind of things I got in that room: receipts and instruction books for every major purchase we have ever made (if we still own it), every single letter and card that Ed has ever given me in the past 20 years, my report cards starting from kindergarten, the boys report cards, school work, awards, art work, geneology and who knows what else I haven't uncovered yet. First order of business is sorting all the papers and junk.

Notice the hole in the wall, it's an access panel to some kind of pipe. I think I have been harassing Ed on a monthly basis to get that covered and fixed. May need to come up with a better way to ask him to do that.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Day Adventure to Dugway Geode Beds

Late last week, my partner in crime, Christine and I took the kids on a 4-wheelin desert adventure to hunt for geodes. We heard about it, googled it, filled up the gas tank, packed the car with water, snacks, kids and digging equipment, stopped for some $1 Cokes at McDonalds and away we went on our adventure out to Dugway. On our way there we saw lots of Antelope. This little guy, just sat and stared at us as we stared back.

We stopped at the one of the historic Pony Express Stations at Simpson Springs and the gang posed for a picture.
After about 50 miles of gravel roads and no other cars on the road, we arrived at the Geode beds. We had no idea exactly what we were doing, we had done the research, but it is a different story from reading about it to the literal applications of it. So when we got to the beds, we finally saw two people on the side of a hill digging. So I stopped to talk to them and get the "skinny" and the "411" on the geode situation. They were very nice and told me they were novices themselves, but did give me some information on what a geode sounds like when you hit it against a rock, they do have distinctive sounds. So away we went to find our own locale to dig.

So we drove around the area a bit. Found a place to park, set up our day camp with umbrellas, chairs, drinks and snacks. And away we go to digging and exploring. Christine, Ky and Brennan got right to it finding geodes ( I am sure Christine will be thrilled by the butt shot).

Rylan had to work really hard digging out a really big geode.

It was pretty stinkin hot, in the mid 90's, so we tried to stay in the shade as much as possible. Here is Ky and Brennan contemplating their next dig site.

There were some puddles of water and Brennan brought his net and was able to find some toads that he was able to catch and bring home.

Christine and Emmy trying to keep cool under the shade.

Emmy is such a crack up, she is such a "ham", I just love this kid!

These are some of Brennan's finds.

We had some much fun on our adventure. On our way home we got a little crazy by 4-wheelin over some big hills and hitting some of the mud puddles pretty fast and seeing how high we could get the mud to go. The kids had so much fun, it sounded like rollercoaster screams some of the time. Can't wait to go on our next adventure.