Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Proper Care & Feeding of a Teenager

A week and a half ago was Ryan's 13th Birthday. I can't believe it, I officially have a teenage son! When I was younger I thought only old people had teenagers. I am happy to report, that it is not the case. I still feel young and feel like the best is yet to come. As my friend Kiki says, "My spirit doesn't match my body", or something like that....
Okay, so here is the situation. What is up with teenage boys? How is it that I ask an open-ended question and Ryan manages to answer in a yes or no? Why is it that I have to ask, what did you say? about 4 times, before I can piece together a coherent sentence amidst the mumbles? How does a teenager manage to forget what I said 1 minute ago, yet remember anything concerning his cell phone? I hope I survive the teenage years!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYAN -- I LOVE YOU (even if you are a teenager)


Kikibug said...

HAHAHAHA, I am dying over here. I remember my parents getting so mad at my brothers for mumbling and my mom saying "BENJAMIN ARTICULATE!" hahaha, and I am laughing even harder at the fact that I asked Ryan a question Friday night asked so many times I had to actually lean in fairly close to understand what the heck he was saying.

Kikibug said...

OH and NO you are NOT old, and my body still doesn't match by spirit. My spirit is 24 forever... only wiser.

Lindsay said...

happy birthday RYAN! :)