Thursday, July 1, 2010

PALM DESERT Friends Reunion

Need to get a better pic
This month, I also had the most amazing reunion with some very important women in my life. Their importance became more apparent to me over the weekend I spent with them in June. We were brought together in 1988 in Palm Desert, California, at a crossroads in all our lives, and we have been bound by some very incredible and magical events (no time to blog about it now). In June, we got together because Carolyn's daughter got married. it was a wonderful reunion, reminiscing about old times, having the time honored tradition, "schmut" night, have some great laughs and also sharing our burdens. Being with these women was surprisingly an answer to a silent prayer I had in my heart for quite some time. I am so excited to reconnect with them and continue our friendships for another 22 years.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Amen sister!! Always and forever friends we will be.