Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Curse you BlackBerry!!!!

No, I'm not talking about the yummy rubus fructicosus:

I am talking about this devil, the BlackBerry, otherwise known as the CrackBerry:

This is an excerpt from National Public Radio (NPR): A lingo has sprung up around the devices, with heavy users calling themselves "Crackberry" addicts, referring to the highly addictive form of cocaine. The surreptitious glance downward, head bowed, to check for e-mail during a meeting is referred to as a "Blackberry prayer." While many users say Blackberries make them more efficient, some researchers -- and some spouses, as well -- say the wireless devices offer their owners new ways to distract themselves, often annoying others in the process (January 25, 2005).
Sad to report I am one of those spouses referred to by NPR. I don't even know what else to say on the matter, other than, "I am freakin annoyed!!!" Any one have any ideas on how to stage an "intervention?"


Pinky Homer said...

LOL! Accidentally drop the phone in the toilet! OOPS! I'm sure that will do the trick! wink wink!

Cami said...

First of all, I hope your back is feeling better after the "dancing pose" experience.
I have never even seen a blackberry so I don't have any words of wisdom. Maybe you could hide it for a day and then suddenly find it. You would be a hero and have a day with a blackberry free husband. Just an idea :)

Kikibug said...

So now you have TWO in your family addicted to cell phones? hahaha Poor Yo-yo! To bad you can't have Ed earn the privileges of the cell phone too...